Feedback Strategies

 In "Why do So Many Managers Avoid Giving Praise," I can see that often bosses are so hesitant on giving praise, as they do not know how to balance between the praises and the criticism. It can often be perceived negatively if the boss only gives out negative reviews, which can often times be critical according to the employees. Rather, in the surveys, from both sides, they would feel much better if the boss gives out praises as well as constructive criticism. Also, if there were praises, the article emphasizes that the praises must be highly specific and not just a "good job" as it gives more information to the workers what they are doing well on so they can continue in such a pattern. Therefore, in balance, would create criticism more effectively.

In another article, titled "Be a Mirror" It again talks about the importance of growth mindset. One of the suggestions that intrigued me was, towards the end, the author talks about how if we start praising kids with "I like it when ..." it insinuates the need for the child to please the adult. From learning about growth mindset, this is exactly what NOT to do as children will take it as they will do whatever it takes only to "please" but not for their own personal growth. So, if you start with "When you..." you can insinuate this mindset within the child as it should be something that they are proud about themselves, taking away the external motivation that coincides with such appraisal.

(Teacher and Students. Source: ILA)


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